
Commit To Constant And Never Ending Improvement

Aaron Walker
Oct 6, 2021

Allow me to talk to you about committing to a constant and never-ending improvement. When I start thinking about my life, I start thinking about the businesses that we own and some of the things that we've done - it's been kind of 42 years of a constant state of improvement! Trying to move. It's always trying to do better.

One of the things we can do is to ask ourselves tough questions and then you know we've really got to do better as we go forward. I remember a quote that Oliver Cromwell said back, this is you know forever ago, back in the 1600s and he said, “He who stops being better stops being good”. I don't know about you but I don't want to stop being better. I want to be good all the time. I always want to be kind of making some progress, improve in small incremental ways.


Begin Your Climb!

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