
How To Respond in Every Situation

Aaron Walker
Jan 20, 2021

The best asset you could possibly have is the way we respond.

Yesterday I went to a local medical supply company to buy a little device that I needed. When I walked in I greeted the receptionist good morning and asked how she was and her respond was "Thanks, could be better here but I'm just telling you it's just not gonna be a good day I can already tell!" And I thought öh my gosh! Who is the world they got at the reception!" But she still proceeded to tell me things I didn't have to know. This lady just can't wait to tell me the problem.

You know what I did next? I did not respond. I did not say anything.

If her respond could have been different, it could have been positive I just started laughing inside.

Is that you? Are you like the receptionist? Always looking for an opportunity to pounce on any opportunity that you can to get a word out and cut somebody? To make somebody feel less than so you'll feel better about yourself? Are you that person that sits in the water cooler always talking about this and that?

Lift those people up! It will change the dynamics of your conversation. It changes the air. It changes the attitude. Opportunity starts knocking in! Look for every opportunity to edify, lift up, encourage and watch what happens in your spirit for you personally. Listen, the money will come! I promise you. It will come if you change your attitude. This very day, choose what kind of attitude you're going to bring in any situation that you're in. Go out there and enjoy your family and have a great time!


Begin Your Climb!

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