
The Most Hopeful Way of Getting Your Book Written and Telling Your Story

Big A and Wally
Feb 28, 2023

Looking to establish your credibility and leave a legacy by writing a book? Welcome to the latest episode of the View from the Top podcast as we interview author and expert D. Scott Smith. Join Wally and Big A to chat with Scott about his approach to writing a short-form book and how it differs from traditional methods. From using a book as a lead magnet to establishing oneself as a thought leader, this episode offers invaluable insights into the importance of writing a book. Tune in to learn about the benefits of self-publishing, the importance of picking a specific problem and providing a unique solution, and much more!

3 Key Takeaways

  • Scott suggests that writing a book positions an individual as a thought leader and provides credibility. 
  • Traditional publishing can take a long time, and the process of finding an agent and a publisher can take several years. However, self-publishing is a viable option for writers who want to get their message out there quickly.
  • To sell anything, it should be available for purchase. Many people put their short-form books into e-books that are only available on their website, which limits the number of people who can purchase them.


D. Scott Smith is a collaborator sitting in the juncture of strategy and execution. He is known as a “Motivational Listener”. Scott is a speaker, coach, and mentor who will inspire and motivate you. One conversation can change your business or your life.

Connect with D. Scott Smith: 



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