
Shipwrecks of Business: How to Chart the Course for Visionaries, Navigate Chaos, and Fight Flexibility

Big A and Wally
Jul 18, 2023

“As business owners we’re going to find ourselves in 'the crunch' sometimes, and that’s okay, let’s just not be there too long.”

Balancing family and a flexible job, new ideas of how to run your business flying at you from all directions, feeling stressed the minute you wake up–these major obstacles lead to shipwrecks in business all the time. Big A and Wally throw you a lifeline today as they open up about their own battles with the tumultuous sea of business. They've seen the highs, weathered the lows, and miraculously, found hidden opportunities amidst all the chaos.

Have you ever felt like your business partner (or maybe it's you!) always has a new idea about once every team meeting? Kevin dives deep into the "how-to" of working with a visionary and the chaos it can create when it's not kept in check.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to work with a visionary that has new ideas all the time
  • The great balancing act business owners face: flexibility in their job
  • Learn ways to time block, delegate and reduce chaos
  • Zone of competence vs. zone of genius

There are no shortcuts to success, but with a bit of guidance, you can navigate the chaos and emerge triumphantly.

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