THE FORGE: Can Paul's Business Survive Losing Its Biggest Client?
"I should have done my due diligence, I should have made up contracts. It was all on a handshake..." Imagine stepping into the shoes of Paul, a Kentucky-based manufacturing company owner, who stands at such a pivotal juncture after losing his company's biggest client. On this episode of THE FORGE, we dissect Paul's current business strategy and offer him insights that could steer his company back to profitability.
Key Takeaways:
- Is Paul the right man to be running his own company?
- How to funnel tasks so you can work ON your company instead of IN it
- Nuts and bolts of financial strategy to build profitability
- Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses
Paul's candid disclosure of the hurdles he's facing brings to light the universal struggles many entrepreneurs encounter in crafting a business that's not only profitable but also aligns with their personal strengths and vision.
Wrapping things up, we pivot to the future by unpacking sales tactics and big-picture growth strategies. Paul, armed with a truckload of fresh perspectives, is ready to tackle his business challenges head-on, and we're right there cheering him on. Join us on this monthly segment for a hearty dose of inspiration and practical advice, and remember, the view is always better at the top.
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Personality Resources: Working Genius, KOLBE test
Connect with Anthony Witt: or
Anthony Witt is a professional licensed counselor and a business owner with a deep understanding of how entrepreneurship impacts personal health and those around them. Having bought, sold, and started multiple businesses, he has gained valuable
experience at the intersection of personal health and business. His belief that "a healthy business owner creates a healthy business" underscores his approach to helping entrepreneurs thrive.
Connect with Bret Barnhart:
Barnhartexcavating.comBret’s Calendar LinkBret’s LinkedinBret Barnhart, Jr. is the fourth generation in his family to start his own excavation company. He began Bret Barnhart Excavating (BBE) in 2002 with $1,500, a single backhoe and truck, and a trailer. Since then, BBE has grown to an entire fleet of heavy machinery and trucks, averages just under 20 employees, and grosses $4mil annually.
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